ATM Driving Audit Log

The audit log tracks all activity within the ATM Driving application for the past three months.

The audit log is display only.

Audit Log Page

You can search using these fields.
  • Start and End search over a time range. If you only select a date, the time defaults to 12:00 AM. If you only select a time, the date defaults to the current day.
    Tip: You cannot select a date or time in the future when searching for the following:
    • Event Notification
    • Transaction History
    • Electronic Journal
    • Processed Commands
  • FI Number requires an exact match.
  • FI Name returns results for partial matches.
  • Username requires an exact match.
  • Action returns results for partial matches. This field does not provide search suggestions.
You can export the list to Excel® or CSV® format.
You can group the list by dragging one or more columns to the grouping area at the top of the grid.
Select the column header to sort by column.
Click the chevron in the column header to open the Filter function. You can create a filter to return more specific results. Filter options vary depending on the column and the page.

Items per Page
This feature indicates the number of items that appear per page.