Transaction History

This tab lists the transactions for the selected ATM. You can search for transactions as far back as one year.

Manually refresh the page to see any updated information.

Note: A search query only returns up to the most recent 1000 records, even if there are more than 1000 that meet your search criteria.

To view the Transaction History page for a specific ATM, select the ATM from the ATM List screen, and then select the Transaction History tab.


To view All Transaction History, select ATM List > All Transaction History.

Transaction History Tab

You can search by a date range to narrow the results in the list.
You can export the list to Excel® or CSV® format.
Save Preferences
Select this box to save your grid preferences. If this box is selected, you can go to a different screen or exit the application, and your preferences remain for that grid until you change them.

You can save your preferences for the following grids:

  • ATM List
  • ATM Details
    • Event Notifications
    • Transaction History
    • Pending Commands
    • Processed Commands
  • Event Notifications
  • Transaction History
  • View & Send Commands
You can group the list by dragging one or more columns to the grouping area at the top of the grid.
Select the column header to sort by column.
Show/Hide Columns
Click the chevron in the column header to open the Columns function. You can show or hide columns by selecting or clearing their check boxes. Column options vary depending on the page.

Show/Hide Columns

Click the chevron in the column header to open the Filter function. You can create a filter to return more specific results. Filter options vary depending on the column and the page.

Items per Page
This feature indicates the number of items that appear per page.

When you select a transaction from the list, detailed information appears in the Transaction & Amounts tab on the right.

The Authorization & Diagnostics tab shows the request and authorization timestamps for the selected transaction.